Friday, July 22, 2011

Final Edits...I Hope!

I am done! It feels good. At this point I think my edits are done for this book, well unless it gets contracted and it needs editing, then I will gladly do it. I worked on all the feedback I received from both rejections. I think my story is great. Now, I just need to find a few places to submit.

This however is my last time, my last attempt for this manuscript. I don't want to get obsessed with one work. I had an author give me some great advice. Edit it, sure, but work on something else too. So, last night when I was almost finished with edits, I found myself bored. So, I opened up a new word document, and a few hours later, there sat over 2,000 new words on a fresh idea. As I started this new work, I could see improvement in me. From advice I got from the rejection letters, I knew what mistakes to not make in the beginning this time. I am so excited about this new piece and I can't wait to write it and see where these two characters are going to go. I am thinking of setting it up with characters that can then go onto their own books. I love reading books that have several in a small series. That is my goal.

So, my current plan is to submit some more, and try to not take to long to write this new story. And guess what, if anyone is reading this, you get to come along. Maybe I will even out some excerpt up. :)


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